My World Atlas gives you more information than the CIA World Factbook.
The GPO US Government Online Bookstore sells the CIA World Factbook (2002 edition) for $92.00.
WE GIVE OUR ATLAS AWAY FREE! All we ask is a small charge for shipping and
handling ($6.95 per copy for delivery in the US, $9.95 to Canada, and $11.95 elsewhere). The additional shipping charges for
outside the US are added during checkout.
Why do we give it away?
I began the Atlas in 1996 with ten pages of information. It now has over 1900 pages. My goal was to have a site that would be
used by many people throughout the world. Over a million visitors have used it since my counter was last reset. All I ask is
that it pay for itself.
System Requirements
Windows Operating System
CD-ROM drive
Web Browser
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