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My World Atlas - 2004

Countries of the World
Flags of the World
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©1996-2003 Robert Starkgraf

Your Atlas Too!

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You can be a contributor to the Atlas

Do you have a story to tell about your country? What is it like growing up there? What would you like to tell our readers about where you live?
Do you have a favorite picture that shows something about your country or it's people? Maybe there's an old myth or legend that has been handed down over the generations.
Send your thoughts, ideas, stories and pictures to me. If they are of general interest, I'll add them to the "Letters and Pictures" page of your country. Please also include either your first name or your initials, the name of the city where you live, and your age if you want me to include these (full names will not be shown). And please include the name of your country!
You may send letters and pictures to me at: letters@myworldatlas.com
Pictures may be altered in size or format to fit the page. Please, no copywritten pictures. Thank-you.