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Saint Christopher and Nevis, Federation of
Saint Helena
Saint Kitts and Nevis, Federation of
Saint Lucia
Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Territorial Collectivity of
Saint-Pierre et Miquelon, Departement de
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Samoa, Independent State of
San Marino, Repubblica di
San Marino, Republic of
Santa Sede
Sao Tome and Principe, Democratic Republic of
Sao Tome e Principe, Republica Democratica de
Sathalanalat Paxathipatai Paxaxon Lao
Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of
Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft
Senegal, Republic of
Senegal, Republique du
Senegambia, Federation of (Senegal)
Senegambia, Federation of (The Gambia)
Serbia and Montenegro
Serbian Krajina, Republic of
Seychelles, Republic of
Shqiperise, Republika e
Sierra Leone, Republic of
Singapore, British
Singapore, Republic of
Slovak Republic
Slovenska Republika
Slovenia, Republic of
Slovenije, Republika
Solomon Islands
Somali Democratic Republic
Somali Republic
Somaliland, French
South Africa, Republic of
South Africa, Union of
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
South Korea
South Sandwich Islands, South Georgia and the
South-West Africa
Southern Ocean
Southern Rhodesia
Spain, Kingdom of
Spanish Guinea
Spanish Sahara
Spratly Islands
Srbija-Crna Gora
Srpska, Republika
Sri Lanka, Democratic Socialist Republic of
Sudanese Republic
Sudan, Republic of the
Suid-Afrika, Republiek van
Suisse, Confederation
Suomen Tasavalta
Suriname, Republic of
Suriname, Republiek
Suudiyah, Al Mamlakah al Arabiyah as
Sverige, Konungariket
Svizzera, Confederazione
Swaziland, Kingdom of
Sweden, Kingdom of
Swiss Confederation
Syrian Arab Republic
Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic
Tajikistan, Republic of
Tanganyika and Zanzibar, United Republic of
Tanzania, United Republic of
Tchad, Republique du
Terres Australes et Antarctiques Francaises, Territoire des
Thailand, Kingdom of
Tobago, Republic of Trinidad and
Togolaise, Republique
Togolese Republic
Togoland Trust Territory
Tojikiston, Jumhurii
Tonga, Kingdom of
Trinidad and Tobago, Republic of
Tromelin Island
Trucial Oman
Trucial States
Truk, Yap, Kosrae and Ponape Districts (Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands)
Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, Kosrae, Ponape, Truk, and Yap Districts
Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, Marshall Islands District
Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, Palau
Tunisia, Republic of
Turkey, Republic of
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
Turkiye Cumhuriyeti
Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic
Turks and Caicos Islands
Uganda, Republic of
Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic
Uman, Saltanat
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
United Arab Emirates
United Arab Republic (Egypt)
United Arab Republic (Syria)
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
United Mexican States
United Nations
United States of America
United States Minor Outlying Islands
United States Virgin Islands
Upper Volta
Uruguay, Oriental Republic of
Uruguay, Republica Oriental del
Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic
Uzbekistan, Republic of
Uzbekiston Respublikasi
Vanuatu, Republic of
Vatican City, State of the
Vaticano, Stato della Citta del
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
Venezuela, Republica Bolivariana de
Viet Nam, Cong Hoa Xa Hoi Chu Nghia
Vietnam, Socialist Republic of
Virgin Islands, United States
Wake Island
Wallis and Futuna Islands, Territory of the
Wallis et Futuna, Territoire des Iles
West Pakistan
Western Sahara
Western Samoa
Xianggang Tebie Xingzhengqu
Yamaniyah, Al Jumhuriyah al
Yap, Kosrae, Ponape, and Truk Districts (Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands)
Yemen, Republic of
Yisra'el, Medinat
Yugoslavia (Slovenia)
Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of
Zaire, Republic of
Zaire, Republique du
Zambia, Republic of
Zanzibar, United Republic of Tanganyika and
Zhong Guo
Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo
Zimbabwe, Republic of