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Lao People's Democratic Republic
Lao, Sathalanalat Paxathipatai Paxaxon
Latvia, Republic of
Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic
Latvijas Republika
Lebanese Republic
Lesotho, Kingdom of
Liberia, Republic of
Libiyah ash Shabiyah al Ishtirakiyah, Al Jumahiriyah al Arabiyah al
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Socialist People's
Liechtenstein, Fuerstentum
Liechtenstein, Principality of
Lietuvos Respublika
Lithuania, Republic of
Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic
Lubnaniyah, Al Jumhuriyah al
Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of
Luxembourg, Grand-Duche de
Lyoveldio Island
Macau, Regiao Administrativa Especial de
Macau Special Administrative Region
Macau, Ilha de
Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of
Madagascar, Republic of
Madagascar, Republique de
Maghribiyah, Al Mamlakah al
Magyar Koztarsasag
Makedonija, Republika
Malagasy Republic
Malawi, Republic of
Malayan Union
Maldives, Republic of
Mali, Republic of
Mali, Republique de
Malta, Repubblika ta'
Malta, Republic of
Malvinas, Islas
Man, Isle of
Marshall Islands, Republic of the
Marshall Islands District (Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands)
Martinique, Departement de la
Martinique, Department of
Mauritania, Islamic Republic of
Mauritius, Republic of
Mayotte, Territorial Collectivity of
McDonald Islands, Territory of Heard Island and
Micronesia, Federated States of
Middle Congo
Midway Islands
Miquelon, Territorial Collectivity of Saint Pierre and
Mocambique, Republica de
Moldova, Republic of
Moldova, Republica
Moldova, Soviet Socialist Republic of
Monaco, Principality of
Monaco, Principaute de
Mongol Uls
Montenegro, Serbia and
Morocco, Kingdom of
Mozambique, Republic of
Muritaniyah, Al Jumhuriyah al Islamiyah al
Myanma Naingngandaw
Myanma, Union of
Namibia, Republic of
Nauru, Republic of
Navassa Island
Nederlanden, Koninkrijk der
Nederlandse Antillen
Negara Brunei Darussalam
Nepal, Kingdom of
Netherlands, Kingdom of the
Netherlands Antilles
Netherlands East Indies
Netherlands Guiana
Nevis, Federation of Saint Kitts and
New Caledonia and Dependencies, Territory of
New Hebrides
New Zealand
Nicaragua, Republic of
Nicaragua, Republica de
Niger, Republic of
Niger, Republique du
Nigeria, Federal Republic of
Norfolk Island, Territory of
Norge, Kongeriket
Normandy, Dukedom of (Guernsey)
Normandy, Dukedom of (Jersey)
North Korea
Northern Ireland, United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Mariana Islands, Commonwealth of the
Northern Rhodesia
Norway, Kingdom of
Norwegian Kingdom of the Hebrides
Nouvelle-Caledonie et Dependances, Territoire des
Oeno, Pitcairn, Henderson, and Ducie Islands
Oesterreich, Republik
Oman, Sultanate of
Ottoman Empire
Outer Mongolia
Pacific Ocean
Pakistan, East
Pakistan, Islamic Republic of
Pakistan, West
Palau, Republic of
Palmyra Atoll
Panama, Republic of
Panama, Republica de
Papua New Guinea, Independent State of
Paracel Islands
Paraguay, Republic of
Paraguay, Republica del
Passion, Ile de la
Peru, Republic of
Peru, Republica del
Philippines, Republic of the
Pilipinas, Republika ng
Pitcairn, Henderson, Ducie, and Oeno Islands
Pleasant Island
Poland, Republic of
Polska Rzeczpospolita
Polynesie Francaise, Territoire de la
Ponape, Truk, Kosrae, and Yap Districts (Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands)
Portuguesa, Republica
Portuguese Guinea
Portuguese Republic
Preahreacheanachakr Kampuchea
Principe, Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and
Puerto Rico, Commonwealth of
Pyidaungzu Myanma Naingngandaw
Qatar, Dawlat
Qatar, State of
Qazaqstan Respublikasy
Rapa Nui
Reunion, Department of
Reunion, Ile de la
Rhodesia, Northern
Rhodesia, Southern
Rossiyskaya Federatsiya
Russian Federation
Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic
Rwanda, Republika y'u
Rwandese Republic